The Mid-Week Report

Ordinarily, I post on Saturdays. It’s just more convenient, being the busy, world-famous blogging aardvark that I am. But today, I find myself in my burrow-away-from-burrow (Starbucks) on a Wednesday evening, which is unusal for me.

The Wednesday thing, that is. The Starbucks thing is perfectly normal for me.

I’m also listening to some different music than normal. Ordinarily, this aardvark is a dedicated Nickelback fan. But over the last couple of months, I’ve been working hard to lose some unwanted pounds. Okay, a LOT of unwanted pounds. Aardvarks are, by nature, sexy beasts. However, I actually want to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk, if you get my drift. So with that in mind, I actualy listening to a workout mix I’ve put together.

Because aardvarks like to rock out. Especially when ACDC is on the playlist (aardvarks also love ACDC).

Maybe you’ve already noticed, but I’m talking a lot about changes in routine so far. And I think that’s why I decided to hit Starbucks on a Wednesday. As some of you may have noticed, I stopped blogging for over a year around the time a certain virus hit the world. And over the last year, like a lot of you, some things have changed in Aardvark Land.

In March 2020, my mom had to have a pacemaker put in. It was actually an emergency thing. I took her for a checkup in one hospital. And two more hospitals later (the same day) she was on the schedule to have her little life saving device put in ASAP. I think that was on a Tuesday, and I picked her up on a Friday. And she’s still going strong.

I finally moved out and got my own burrow in May of 2020. It’s kinda nice having a place of my own, where I can just dig and suck back ants to my heart’s pleasure.

In my day job, I’ve worked from home for well over a year now. I do NOT miss that crack-of-dawn drive to the office, that’s for sure.

BTW, Boston is now playing in my headphones. Aarvarks dig Boston, especially the first two albums.

Sadly, some things have NOT changed. There’s still not a potential Mrs Aardvark in the picture. I was never a big dater, even in my younger days. So that still sucks ants. I am taking applications, though 🙂

Most of my friends are married, so that can be a bit frustrating, at times.

Of course, no one’s life is perfect. And that’s the point of this post today.

It’s all about CHANGE. If you want something, you have to be willing to CHANGE, in order to get it. You’ve heard me talk about Celebrate Recovery in the past, a ministry I’ve been involved in. Here’s a tip: you don’t recover from whatever addiction you have if you’re not willing to CHANGE!!

It’s the same in other aspects of life, also. I was speaking (ok, whining) about no Mrs Aardvark in the picture. So I have to look at myself and see what I can CHANGE in order to be a bit more attractive to females of my species. Hence, the weight-loss efforts. I also look at parts of my normally awesome personality which may need some “tweaking.” I think I read somewhere once “become the person you want to be with.”

It’s all about CHANGE.

Some things don’t change, though. Nickelback and ACDC still ROCK!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your Wednesday…..

Published by Naked Aardvark

I'm just a furry little beast with an attitude...and no clothes, of course!!!

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