If Today Was Your Last Day

My best friend’s father-in-law died. No aardvark frivolity this time. This past weekend I received a message that my best friend’s father-in-law was found dead in his home. He hadn’t been sick, and every sign indicates he passed away peacefully while sitting in his favorite recliner. He was an older man and had lived aContinue reading “If Today Was Your Last Day”

Once More, Into The Breach…

As I stated in last week’s posting, aardvarks LOVE Nickelback (’cause they’re awesome) (Nickelback, I mean) (and aardvarks).  So today’s blog is going to start with the opening lyrics from one of their songs. My best friend gave me the best advice He said each day’s a gift and not a given right The nameContinue reading “Once More, Into The Breach…”

Reality Sucks Ants

Suzie left this world yesterday, and this world’s a darker place for it. “Suzie”, of course, isn’t her real name. I don’t think I should share that, because this story is too real. And her family deserves anonymity to go with their time of grief. Suzie was born with a host of medical issues, alongContinue reading “Reality Sucks Ants”