Dirty Words

Bet THAT title got your attention!

So, when I say the phrase “dirty words,” what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Of course, most of us know (and have probably used) some of the classics. And no, I won’t post them on this blog. YOU know what they are, so elaboration isn’t needed here. And in today’s world, “cancel culture” has become so widespread that almost anything could be interpreted (or misinterpreted) as a dirty word, depending on who’s hearing or using the word or phrase.

Those aren’t the dirty words I’m writing about, however. The words I’m referring to aren’t those that are vulgar or those that some would deem offensive. No, what I’m talking about are words that, for some personal reason, represent something that evokes a response or reaction in us for some reason. Lemme ‘splain.

I’m involved with a men’s group (or should that be aardvark’s group), and our group leader challenged us at the beginning of the year. We all had to pick a specific word to focus on for the entirety of the year. It needed to be a word that caused us to challenge ourselves. So, being the world-famous, well-traveled, and highly intelligent aardvark that I am, I came to settle on a word that has since become so heinous and revolting that I can barely share it here.

Are you ready? Can your delicate ears stand it? Here it is!!!!


I know; your ears must be bleeding profusely now. Your mind has probably reeled in shock that I would even type such a disgusting term. But there it is, in all its evil glory. Change.

Ok, perhaps I exaggerated a tiny bit. But to be sure, change is foreign to some people and can be difficult. My parents, Momma and Daddy Aardvark avoided all change with a fury and passion like nothing I’ve ever seen. They never grew as people (aardvarks) and fought any and all changes to their lives. We only got a color TV when I was growing up because my dad couldn’t beat the old black-and-white into submission anymore.

And painful? Ask any addict who’s overcome an addiction how hurtful change can be. Ask any parent who’s lost a child how heartbreaking that change can be. Someone losing their job? Yep, that’s gonna hurt. A divorce? Yeah, I can speak on THAT little slice of heaven!

And it doesn’t have to be as severe as some of the things I listed. Since my word is change, I’m looking at things to change in my life and improve myself and my life. And it’s not easy. It requires taking a very hard look at myself. It requires breaking old habits and patterns I may have become very comfortable with. Sometimes it may involve letting someone leave my life that I’ve become attached to.

So yeah, sometimes the word change can become a “dirty word” for this adventuresome aardvark. But the bottom line is this: if you’re not changing, you’re stagnant. You’re not moving. You’re an unmoving pebble on the mountain of life.

As I wrap this post, it just hit me. I need to challenge my readers. So I challenge you to pick a “dirty word” for your life for the rest of the year. One that makes you look at yourself and grow as a person. Or whatever species you are. Either way, I think we’ll both be better off for the experience.

Published by Naked Aardvark

I'm just a furry little beast with an attitude...and no clothes, of course!!!

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