Back From Hibernation

Hm. Do aardvarks hibernate? Or do they like taking really long naps? You know, for like six months or longer? Because it was apparently last May when I last ventured out into Blogland (Blogworld, DisneyBlog, Six Flags Over Blog?) I hadn’t poked my sharp little claws in this particular place for some time, so I thought I’d shake off the cobwebs and see what pearls of wisdom I could extract from my incredible varkky mind to share with the world.

I finished the rough draft of my second fictional novel late last fall. Finally! And now the next big step … editing!!! I’ve decided to get serious and try to get published. So I’m spending time editing my first book, and that is quite the chore! I joined a local writer’s group last fall and that helped me to learn a lot about writing, in general. The group sadly folded near the holidays, but it was worth the time.

I’ve also returned to serve in a ministry that’s very dear to my heart and made me a whole new and better aardvark. I love doing what I do; it gives me a chance to give back a little. Here’s a tip: never pass on opportunities like that!

With my doc’s help, I was able to drop one of the blood pressure meds I used to take. That’s a big step for me! Just gotta keep moving forward!

Still no Mrs. Aardvark in the picture (or anywhere near the camera, for that matter). Applications are still being accepted, however!

Overall, life is good for this world-famous blogging aardvark. The claws are sharp, the ears are pointy, and the cute little tail still spins when I get excited (or is that TMI?). Only time will tell!

I don’t know how often I’ll be back on here. I’m still neck-deep in editing, but I didn’t want to let all 3 of my fans think I’d forgotten you.

Whoever you are.

Published by Naked Aardvark

I'm just a furry little beast with an attitude...and no clothes, of course!!!

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