Take Me Out To … whatever that thing is …

So, my original intent had been to post Part 2 of my Catchphrase story that I did last time. But something happened recently that I just HAD to write about: I went to my first Major League Baseball game! It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, to be sure. My buddy stopped and asked me about itContinue reading “Take Me Out To … whatever that thing is …”

‘Varks Are So Random … Like This Post

So I’m taking it easy today in my backup burrough (Starbucks) and sipping a hot cappuccino with ZZ Top jamming in my earbuds (aardvarks love ZZ Top). Aardvarks have a rough life, right? I haven’t posted for a couple of weeks, so I thought I’d use my little claws and clack something out on theContinue reading “‘Varks Are So Random … Like This Post”

How Does He Do It???

So, I bet some of you out there are wondering just how does a world-famous, blogging aardvark come up with all these wonderful posts, that range from deep, serious, though-provoking essays to humorous, whimsical musings on the mysteries of life. Or in other words, how does he come up with this crap? Well, to beContinue reading “How Does He Do It???”